
By donating, you are accepting our Donations policy

Thanks you for collaborating with Foundspot!

Donations are the main source of income for Foundspot, on which we depend to keep going and continue helping many people around the world.

We sincerely thank you for wanting to help and be part of Foundspot and we would like to remind you of the reasons to donate to Foundspot:

1. It is a way of showing gratitude for the free service that the platform offers. We need funds to maintain it and improve it. By donating, you can continue to help more people like yourself and keep the Foundspot energy alive.
2. To help everyone recover their lost items and achieve many founders.
3. Because your little bit of help contributes to helping people in need!

Note: Foundspot is taking off and currently is on partnership agreements processes with associations and NGOs. Soon you will know which social projects all funds collected are destinated to.